I was asked to come up with a style, illustrate, design and animate a brief video to introduce McAfee's many features of their Safe Connect® system. Focusing around family life the decision was to keep a consistent message and feature the same family and characters designed for the McAfee Safe Family animation. Just this time the action takes place on holiday, or more exactly on the way to the destination.
Utilising clear onscreen type instructions and animated scenes which tell the story, the video outlines exactly how you can keep your Wi-Fi secure.
The video was then localised to be released into 6 different markets.
My role: concept, design & illustration, animation
Creative Direction: Joe Golden
Produced for Eyekandy
Creative Direction: Joe Golden
Produced for Eyekandy

Need a Freelance 2D Character Illustrator & Animator for your character based Explainer Video? Get in touch hello@afoxonabox.com