McAfee has commissioned EyeKandy to create an animated video that highlights the main features of Mobile Security offered within the various McAfee protection packages.
After a brand revamp back in 2017, McAfee re-wrote their core statement, their tagline became 'Together is power', acknowledging the positive power of working together: 'people, products and solutions working together'.
The video had to reflect the newly identified McAfee brand values: diversity, inclusivity and protection across all aspects of our connected worlds. This is possibly one of the first animated product videos that features a same sex couple. Animation/motion design was the preferred medium in this case because of the flexibility it offers. My role was to come up with an illustration style to solve this brief, to storyboard the different journeys, and to animate and edit the final video.
The video was localised to cover 5 different European markets and published across McAfee's own social media channels.
My role: Art Direction, Design & Illustration, Animation
Creative Director: Joe Golden
Producers: Jake Humbles, Alex Twamley
Client: McAfee Antivirus
Produced for EyeKandy

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